Peer Review Statement

Each article published in Annali undergoes rigorous peer review in each phase of the publishing process. All reviews are single-blind.

Each volume has 3-5 rotating, generally non-recurring guest editors who solicit and review abstracts from scholars around the world. For the accepted abstracts, the guest editors solicit draft articles and send them to two peer-reviewers. If the articles pass that review, they are then sent to the co-editors-in-chief, for a another review. If the articles pass that review, they are then distributed by the co-editors-in-chief to the co-editors for another review. If the articles pass that review, they proceed to the managing editor who handles formatting and copy editing. The formatted and copy-edited draft returns to the author. Then, a final reading is completed by the co-editors-in-chief.

The practice of updating the team of guest editors with each volume ensures that reviewers are independent of the authors, i.e. not affiliated with the same institution. In the rare case when an author is from the same institution as the guest editors or co-editors, the co-editors-in-chief purposefully assign the author’s work to editors who are not from the author’s institution.