Abstract: This article, taking the form of a diachronic examination, studies some of the most significant contributions to the phenomenon of vernacular versions of the Comedy starting from the interventions of Carlo Salvioni, which appeared in 1902, 1909 and 1910.1 After examining Salvioni’s fundamental research, the article analyzes the studies of Alfredo Stussi (1982), Francesco Di Gregorio (1992) e Francesco Granatiero (2017). While the first two are concise and specialized, the third is more all-encompassing, tracing and commenting upon the diachronic arc of the translations and/or original “rewritings” of Dante’s poem.2 The article closes with a reflection on the volume by Gian Luigi Ferraris (2020), which enriches and updates the previous investigations. The contributions examined so far outline the dense map of the vernacular remakes of the Comedy, born both before and after the unification, including those lapping the shores of the third millennium.
Keywords: Vernacular Translations of the Comedy, National Language, Regional Dialects, Pre-unification and Post-unification Italy, Third Millennium.